March 2023 Book Sale
The Friends of the Tippecanoe County Public Library is hosting a book sale at the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds (1406 Teal Road, Lafayette, Indiana). The downtown library is undergoing renovations, so we’ve changed the location for this sale. Enter door #5 in the East wing of the Event Building.
Fairgrounds Map
Please note that the times of the sale have also changed.
Our spring book sale begins Friday, March 3rd, and ends on March 5th. We have a large selection of books in most categories, thanks to generous donations. Due to a smaller space, there will be no children’s books at this sale, although we will have young adult and old children’s books. We will have separate Children’s Book Sales at the library branches at later dates (Klondike on April 1st, Wea Prairie on May 6th, and Wyandotte on August 26th).
Friday, March 3rd, 7:00pm - 9:00pm - Member's Night for Friends of TCPL, memberships are $10 per year and are available at the door. Note we are starting ½ hour earlier than previous sales.
Saturday, March 4th, 10:00am - 4:00pm - Open to public.
Sunday, March 5th, 10:00am - 4:00pm - Half-price day, open to public. Bags for $8 are also available. Fill a grocery bag (provided) with books for just $8 a bag, no limits on number of bags. Note that we will not be open on Monday.