Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are essential to the work of the Friends of the Library. There are many areas that need continual support. There are other areas that need only the occasional work for special projects. Decisions are made at committee and board levels. Below are just a few of the opportunities.

About 75 volunteers work at each of the four book sales held every year, cashiering, organizing the books being offered, or helping with the sale setup.

Members of the Book Sale Committee oversee the four book sales held every year.

The Membership Committee could use your help if you have an interest in data entry, periodic mailings and renewals, and recruitment of new members.

The newsletter editor creates 4 newsletters a year.

Sorting crews meet several times a week to prepare all the donated books for the sales.

The On-Line Sales group lists select donations on three web stores and mails books to purchasers. The work schedule is flexible.

Volunteers help support author visits to the library throughout the year.

Board members make decisions about how to help support the library. A new board is formed each March.

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